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My name is Kendra Kintz and this is my website! After quite a roller-coaster of self-discovery and pursuing a variety of career options, I am thrilled to be on the path of becoming a high school math teacher. 

I graduated from Oregon State University with a B.S. in Sociology and a minor in Actuarial Science. I spent my first three years of college studying to be an Industrial Engineer, thinking that was a good choice considering my love for numbers. After a change of heart, I decided to study people and explore the world before realizing my passion: teaching math. I spent a summer studying abroad in Ireland, followed by a solo backpacking expedition throughout Europe. Ever since then I have wanted to encourage others to enjoy life and rise above challenges.

It took a lot of searching: a job at a float spa, a non-profit organization, and a staffing agency, but after accepting a job working at a high school as an Instructional Assistant, I finally found where I belong. 

I now have my Master of Arts in Teaching degree as of April 2018 from Concordia University. I am certified to teach Advanced Mathematics and I cannot wait to begin. I've spent three years working as a high school math tutor and I cannot imagine a more rewarding career. I am thankful everyday that my twists and turns in life all directed me here.

When I'm not looking up math jokes or trying to make fun tutoring videos, I am playing soccer. I think it is important for everyone to have an outlet for stress and a hobby they enjoy. For me, soccer is my reset button!                        

August 2017

July 2012 - Ireland

Photo credit: Heather Allen

So, why teach math? 

Let me explain...

Math phobia is real. People spend their lives thinking they "aren't good at math" or "aren't a numbers person". I refuse to believe it. Reality is, life is full of challenges and obstacles that we must overcome to grow and develop as human beings. Math may be one of the first obstacles we encounter in our lives, but to me, that just means it's one of our first opportunities to grow and develop. I want to be a teacher to help students through this time, so they are constantly supported, motivated, and inspired to rise up and better themselves throughout the learning experience.


Watch the video below to learn a little bit about my current teaching philosophy!


Oregon State alumni. Grad Student at Concordia University - Portland.

Certified Advanced Mathematics Teacher as of April 2018.

Soccer player. Camper. Daughter. Sister. Learner. Laugher. 

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